Snow Repository

Over the last several years, there has been an increasing problem with Placer County, contractors, and local homeowners using the Tahoe entrance to the trail as a snow repository.  Those of us who live in snow country know how hard it can be to find a place to store snow when plowing and clearing roads, but taking the snow from one public road and placing it in another is not a solution, it only migrates and exacerbates the problem.

Doug Barr (of The Other Rubicon) and Ron Briggs (Tahoe FOTR lead) have been working on this problem for several years and have asked RTF (and just about anybody they can think of) for help.  RTF has gotten involved at the level of attending meetings, making phone calls, and offering help with education.  Our stance is that we are not asking anybody to DO anything, but we are insisting that they DO NOT move snow onto the Rubicon McKinney Road, an open public road.  As Mr. Barr points out, this is an illegal act.

Recently RTF directors attended a public Zoom Meeting (it was cancelled in person) with Placer County representatives and neighbors.  At that meeting we stated our position and offered to create and place signage to remind folks not to dump snow in the roadway.  Here is our follow-up letter:



By Brett Joiner Education Political Trail News