Rubicon Trail Foundation President Message

Hello Everyone,

I would like to provide you with an update as to the work we are doing behind the scenes.

  • Welcome Jeff Blewett back to our board as a Director
  • Save the Date: May 13th for a Drive Thru Dinner Fundraiser – more information to follow soon
  • Save the Date: Sept.4th for Cantina for the Con – more information to follow soon
  • Rubicon Trail Foundation Student Scholarship – – more information to follow soon
  • Working with El Dorado County OHV Division to place signs up on the Rubicon during the winter months. The last few years we have had people go up unprepared and unaware of how fast conditions change. They then find themselves in a need to be rescued.  Thank you everyone for responding and providing feedback.
  • Mid Trail Staff will have some new educational materials to give out
  • El Dorado Forest Service announced today, March 31st that Dirt Roads will open April 1st, also they provided the following update on road conditions
    • Wentworth Springs Road – covered in snow between Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Ice House Road
    • Ice House Road – covered in snow north of the Loon Lake turnoff
    • Mormon Emigrant Trail / Iron Mountain Road – snow and ice and ice gets thick beginning at Pilliken Road when travelling toward Highway 88 from Sly Park Road

 I am grateful for your continued support and donations.  I invite you to reach out and share your ideas, thoughts, and feedback.  Hopefully, I will see you soon at an upcoming meeting/event or on the trail.


Chris Cowan
President, Rubicon Trail Foundation

Mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Vision: Our vision is to be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.

By Brett Joiner Uncategorized