President’s Message

The Board of Directors for the Rubicon Trail Foundation meet monthly for several hours, however each February we skip the regular meeting and hold what we call our Winter Summit.  Due to COVID restrictions we couldn’t hold our usual weekend Winter Summit, but we were able to meet for a whole day this past Saturday.  While this day is long and exhausting, we are so glad to have a list of priorities and goals to work toward and move forward with.  We use this time to strategize and plan for the year ahead.  This is the time to see the big picture on things and tackle our budget.  We cannot wait to roll out some new goals and share them with you.  Stay tuned.

List of Achievements for 2020                                                                                         

– Despite not having fundraisers due to COVID – we were able to maintain funded projects         

– New/updated brochure

Upgraded the repeater at Spider

Funded the carsonites grant to delineated the trail at the top of the bowl 

Paid out $20,500 for Mid-Trail Staff

– $11,200 in matching funds to El Dorado County to fly rock for repair work on trail

Donations/online sales up from previous years

3 mapping resources created – OnX, Gaia & Cartotracks

Funded $1082.00 in volunteer meals for work parties

Accurate swag count 

Trash Can Hill work completed

Working with a balanced/approved budget

Worked with Tahoe National Forest 

One specific order of business we wanted to tell you about right away, is we filled our open board seat with someone many of you know, who previously was on our board, Jeff Blewett.  We are so excited to have him back.  Jeff is a huge advocate and dedicated to keeping public lands open.

We look forward to rolling out some new fundraising ideas, seeing you on the trail or at an upcoming event.


Chris Cowan
President, Rubicon Trail Foundation

Mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Vision: Our vision is to be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.

By Brett Joiner Uncategorized