Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon

On August 3, 2019, the Rubicon Trail Foundation sponsored and organized the Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon. This is a special segment of Jeep Jamboree that is held in Rubicon Springs that is just for kids 6 to 17 years of age. Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon’s mission is to motivate and encourage the next generation of off road and outdoor enthusiasts where children learn outdoor ethics and stewardship practices. Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon aims for children of all backgrounds to enjoy the natural surroundings and learn how to preserve the area for years to come.
This year we had 96 participants, with at least 15% of the children never having been on the Rubicon before. Our ultimate goal was to spark a new pursuit of knowledge of the outdoors. There are a few basic fundamentals in development and each were reached with the activities that we planned. Entrepreneurship- providing a vision, change and creation of the outdoor world; Cooperation; Failure as a necessity; Creativity (thinking in unconventional ways) to take initiative and risks.
The Rubicon Trail Foundation focused on providing the following skills through the following activities:
• Provided basic skills of outdoors
• Critical Thinking
• Troubleshooting skills
• Being a moral and good person

• Provided each participant with an activity booklet that contained the History of the Rubicon Trail, how to get a Ham Radio license, activities, information on Wag bags & Fire Extinguishers

• Backpack filled with snacks, notebook/pen, magnets, stickers, beach towel, and light saber

• Sanitation demonstration with kid volunteers – Providing options
for proper human waste disposal and the importance of it.

• How to use and maintain a Fire Extinguisher

• Hike to Stone Cabin with verbal awareness of snakes, bears etc.
Education on how the Indians used trail to travel, first vehicles on the trail, important dates on trail, kids found Arrowheads

• Provided each child with a Ham Radio programed to allow them to
hear communication of crew and communicate on their own channel with others. Explained
the importance of this commination and understanding of appropriate things to
say. Encouraged families to get licensed for safety on the trail.

• Crawdad Catching competition. Competing by making a plan with a limited amount of time to accomplish winning of smallest crawdad, largest crawdad, and most caught. Some kids had never caught crawdads and the kids worked together to show each other how to do.

• Kids were able to be on their own and work in groups doing all the activities.

The Rubicon Trail Foundation is federally recognized, non-profit organization dedicated to the future health of the Rubicon Trail. The Rubicon Trail Foundation acts as the support for Rubicon work projects, Friends of the Rubicon, and as a liaison with local government organizations. This support can range from getting approval for projects from the appropriate agencies, to feeding the volunteers, to buying the supplies needed to maintain the trail. We also fight the efforts of others to close or restrict use of the Rubicon Trail System. All funds raised help to enhance the future health of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible motorized year-round access. Our vision is to be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.

Our Officers and Directors represent a wide variety of Rubicon Trail users and supporters. These include trail users, land owners, county representatives, manufacturers, and Rubicon event organizers. For more information on getting involved or supporting the Rubicon Trail Foundation please call us at 888-678-2426 or visit our website at


By Brett Joiner Education Events 0 Comments