Education on the Trail

Our mission is “To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year- round access.”

As a board one of the main goals in achieving this mission is education.  Education can be done just about anywhere and everywhere.  This weekend we had many board members on the 67th Jeepers Jamboree and we all did alot of education on the trail answering questions and telling participants about the Rubicon Trail Foundation.

This coming weekend we are coordinating the Camp Rubicon at the 41st Jeep Jamboree. “Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon” is a special segment of Jamboree in Rubicon Springs just for kids 6 to 17 years of age! Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon’s mission is to motivate and encourage the next generation of off road and outdoor enthusiasts with programs such as “Tread Lightly!” where children learn outdoor ethics and stewardship practices. Hands on activities, nature hikes, survival skills, and informative discussions relating to responsible recreation rounds out the experience.

Jeep Jamboree Camp Rubicon aims for children of all backgrounds to enjoy our natural surroundings and learn how to preserve them for years to come.  We are so excited that we get to engage with our next generation of users.

This year we will be focusing on education in these areas:

Sanitation & Fire Extinguisher Talk
Hike to Stone Cabin with Rubicon Trail History
Intro to  Ham Radios
RC Course by Chipper Ross of Jeepers Jamboree
Crawdad Contest
If you have questions please always ask.  We hold monthly board meetings (see link below), you can always email us at [email protected], and/or visit us on our FaceBook Account
“You have to participate rentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
By Brett Joiner Education 0 Comments