Education is the key to the future of the Rubicon. If you are a long time Rubicon user, you are well aware how close the Rubicon has come in the past to closure. But think about it. In 2009, the California Water Board issued a Clean-Up and Abatement order (CAO) on the Rubicon Trail. Imagine a 20 year old wheeler in their first rig, they were 11 years old. Or in 2004, when the United States Forest Service closed Spider Lake due to human feces all around the lake. That same 20 year old wheeler was in Kindergarten.
The users we need to reach are constantly new and changing. This is why the Rubicon Trail Foundation invests time and your contributions to teach new users what you the “old timer” already knows. The job is never ending. How do we do that?
- Camp Rubicon – Education of kids during the Jeep Jamboree in August
- Mid-Trail Staff – Actual trail users like yourself on the trail talking to that 20 year old wheeler
- Website – We’ve packed the website with tons of information, including tracking the history of the trail so it is not forgotten.
- Club Visits – RTF Directors visiting clubs and talking to members about the trail
- El Dorado County Fair – Talking to visitors and the new Rubicon Challenge
There is no one solution, but the message is the same. We all need to do our part to help keep the trail open, through our actions/non-action, donations and volunteerism. Everyone, no matter how big or small the donation or how often they volunteer are all equally important to the future health of the Rubicon Trail.