Camp Rubicon Hike

In the past few years we have taken families on a hike from Rubicon Springs to the Stone Cabin during Camp Rubicon. We always share the History of the Rubicon Trail while exploring the great outdoors.  This year quite a few kids found Arrowheads.  It was such a fun hike and we had more participants than ever. Another fun part of the hike is getting to chat with the families and find out why they came on the trip and learning from them.

Rusty Folena lead the hike.

The stone cabin is less than a 1/2 mile from the Rubicon Springs campining area.  There are many things to look for on the way to the cabin.  The cleared meadows were once hay fields and also had trout ponds.    The harvested fish from the ponds were wrapped in the meadow grass to keep fresh for the Hunsucker family to sale.

There are tall fir trees, willow trees and also gooseberries.  When there has been a ton of snow the beavers often gnaw on the trees.  You will also see trees and a stump in particular that were made by the Pileated WoodPeaker.

Rusty showed us where there are a few spots where blast marks from black powder and dynamite was used at some point in time to make room for wagons.  There look like a spider on the Granite.  There is also a spot right before the green gate that was blasted out for the wagons.

By Brett Joiner Education Events 0 Comments