By Ken Hower

Steve Morris – A True Rubicon Legend

It is with sadness that we give tribute to one of the true Rubicon Legends, Steve Morris. On Saturday, July 27, 2019 at the 67th Jeepers Jamboree in Rubicon Springs, Steve passed on. Steve was a true pioneer of the Rubicon Trail, participating at the beginning of the Jeepers Jamboree with Mark Smith, a partial owner of Rubicon Springs, the first President of Cal4Wheel, a 2019 inductee of the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, Rubicon Trail Foundation Rock Award winner and the name behind Morris Rock on Cadillac Hill. Steve had dedicated his life to spreading the message on the beauty of Rubicon Springs and through ownership, making sure the Rubicon Springs is available to everyone. Steve couldn’t have written a better life script passing away at Rubicon Springs after being with his family and so many friends during the event he loved so much. He will be missed and remembered by so many for generations to come. The Rubicon Trail Foundation sends it’s sympathies to Steve’s family.

By Ken Hower

Vicki Sanders Resignation

For immediate release: July 23, 2019

It is with great reluctance that we announce the acceptance of Vickie Sanders’ resignation from the Rubicon Trail Foundation Board of Directors.

Vickie Sanders, the El Dorado County representative has served on the Rubicon Trail Foundation Board for the last 5 years as a non-voting member and has chosen to resign her board position effective July 17, 2019.
Vickie will continue to be a liaison to the Rubicon Trail Foundation and we look forward to continuing a close working relationship with El Dorado County. We have two upcoming trips planned with the County: the VIP and OHMVR trip which are in the planning phase and will move forward as scheduled.

Vickie will be missed by the board, she has served with passion and strength. She truly is a trail user, advocate and has brought about many positive changes to the trail and community.

David Thomas
President Rubicon Trail Foundation

By Brett Joiner

Who is your Mid-Trail Staff that you may see on Rubicon Trial?

Meet your Mid-Trail Staff that you will see on the Rubicon Trail.  They are a great resource.  Stop and say HI to or get information on trail conditions, things to know, or ask questions .  They both look forward to seeing you on the trail.


This is Mike Hafelfinger’s third season working as Mid Trail Staff, working with both Shannon Chard and Merlin Scott in the past. He works the trail every week Monday through Thursday, spending most of his time between the Loon Kiosk and Little Sluice.

Mike ran the trail for the first time in 2011, in his Toyota pickup on 33’s.  He began wheeling as a means to get to high lakes to go fishing, ended up meeting Sean Russell, a past president of RTF, and ran the trail for the first time with him.  On his second trip he ran Soup Bowl, which he says, “really charged him up”, and he was hooked.  Since then, he figured out that the pickup wasn’t big enough for a family of three (Mike, his wife Gail, and his dog, Shadow), so he sold the truck and bought a Landcruiser, which is what he wheels today.

He retired from being a butcher, but has worked as a ski instructor near Sand Point, ID (where he met his wife Gail), a diving instructor taking dive trips to Florida, and a certified ship’s Captain on the west coast.  He also has his own 39 foot boat and has extensive blue water experience, having sailed the west coast from Canada to Mexico and to Australia and back.

He enjoys talking to trail users and finding out their stories, and likes to help folks from out of town and have an enjoyable experience on the Rubicon.


Glenn White is our newest Mid Trail Staff, filling the position vacated my Merlin Scott after his many years in the Rubicon.  He’s been doing the job for three weeks and feels like he is “settling in”.  He works the trail every week Thursday through Monday, spending most of his time between Little Sluice and Buck Island Lake.

Glenn ran the trail for the first time in 1982, in the Toyota Land Cruiser he still runs on the trail today.  Prior to his commitment to Mid Trail Staff he typically made six or seven trips a year to the Rubicon, usually for five days at a time.  His son Clint has been his “Life Long Wheeling Buddy”, in the passenger seat as a kid, and driving his own Jeep for many years.

Glenn is known to many on the trail, mostly for stopping to help folks out with mechanical problems or breakage.  He says Rubicon is his, “favorite place in the world”, and considers it a privilege to be able to work there and considers Mid Trail Staff a way to give back.

He especially enjoys sharing the trail with “one timers”, those who are on the trail for their first, and perhaps only time.


By Brett Joiner

Happy 4th of July!

The Rubicon Trail Foundation would like to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!

Please be safe and remember to buckle up on the trail.  With the nice weather finally upon us there will be many people and rigs on the trail.

Trail Etiquette-

  1. Know before you go- Do you need any permits?
  2. Tread Lightly
  3. Leave No Trace
  4. Be Prepared for all weather and conditions
  5. Let yourself be known- communicate with others on the trail how many rigs are in your party.
  6. Leave plenty of space between you and others
  7. Don’t Drink and Drive
  8. Stop to help others
  9. Leave no man behind
  10. Make sure all campfires are safely put out

ALL fireworks are illegal in El Dorado County.

By Brett Joiner

Attention Everyone- Rattlesnakes Are Out

Please be aware of Rattlesnakes!

  • Watch where you step, look down!
  • Listen to yor surroundings.  The rattle is a warning.
  • Snake heads can bite up to an hour after they are dead.
  • Watch your pets, they will find the snakes for you.

How to Treat Rattlesnake bites:

The first and most important thing to do is get away from the snake, as they can strike again if they feel threatened. Don’t waste time trying to catch the snake, but try to remember its size and color. This may help your medical team identify which species it was that bit you and locate the correct antivenin.

Seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Call for an ambulance if you’re able to.  You should reach medical help within 30 minutes of being bitten. If the bite is left untreated, your bodily functions will break down over a period of two or three days and the bite may result in severe organ damage or death.

There are some common misconceptions about the treatment of rattlesnake bites. While waiting for the ambulance, here’s how to minimize your risk:

  • Don’t raise the area above the level of the heart. If you do this, your blood containing rattlesnake venom will reach your heart more quickly.
  • Stay as still as possible, as movement will increase your blood flow and the venom will circulate faster.
  • Remove any tight clothing or jewelry before you start to swell.
  • Let the wound bleed, as this may allow some of the venom to be released.
  • Don’t wash the wound, as your medical team may be able to use some of the venom from your skin to more quickly identify the correct antivenin.
  • Place a clean bandage on the wound.
  • Try to remain calm, as anxiety and panic can increase your heart rate, which will cause the venom to spread.
  • If you begin to experience signs of shock, try to lie down on your back, raise your feet slightly, and keep warm.
  • Don’t cut the wound, as this doesn’t help and you could cause an infection.
  • Don’t try to suck the venom from the wound, as you then introduce the venom to your mouth as well as introduce the bacteria from your mouth to the wound.
  • Don’t use a tourniquet or apply ice or water.

It’s imperative that you get to the hospital as soon as possible. Don’t waste time on procedures that have been shown to be ineffective.

Here are a few links of useful information-

By Brett Joiner

It’s Summer – Be Aware

Today is the first official day of summer!  We have had some different weather this year and have finally started to get some warm and often HOT weather.  While it may be tempting to cool off in our local rivers and streams, The Rubicon Trail Foundation would like to remind everyone that water levels are high and often deceiving.  The water is cold and swift.

Be SAFE near water.

Spot- Spot the dangers- consider what is hidden under the water, check tides and currents, be careful around banks.

Advice- Always read the signs and wear life jackets.  Do not depend on floaties

Friends – Never swim alone

Emergency- Learn what to do in an emergency

Be prepared for changing water levels when camping and in the water.

Protect Yourself in the Sun:

  • Cover Up- wear tight woven clothing that blocks out light.
  • Use Sunscreen
  • Wear a hat
  • Wear UV protective sunglasses
  • Limit Exposure – Reminder UV rays are the most intense between 10am-4pm
By Brett Joiner

Snow Wheeling

This is the first in the series of educational pieces.

The snow is still up in the mountains, although it is melting fast.  These are just a few tips to keep in mind if heading up to the Rubicon or to play in the remaining snow this weekend.

If you have any questions or are curious about trail conditions do not hestitate to call us.

By Brett Joiner

Experience the Rubicon Challenge

What are you doing this Father’s Day, June 16th?  You should come to the El Dorado County Fairgrounds and either participate or watch the Experience the Rubicon Challenge at the El Dorado County Fair.  This is the second annual event and I know it will not disappoint.  Bob Sweeney, President of Jeepers Jamboree has put together a great course and there will sure be some very tough challenges to take your rigs on.

To register to drive–

Class Categories:
Stock (ish)




Trailer Challenge

This event is sponsored by Jeepers Jamboree, El Dorado County, & the Rubicon Trail Foundation (RTF)?

We would like to thank our Sponsors this year- WFO Concepts, MetalCloak, Sierra Gear & Axle, Placerville Speedway & Arnold’s for Awards.

By Brett Joiner

Introducing Rubicon U- Unlimited Outdoor Learning

We would like to introduce you to a new education piece that you will see us blogging about and providing information on via Social Media, in the Restrooms along the Rubicon Trail, at Events and during Camp Rubicon.

Education is a huge piece of what we do serving on the Rubicon Trail Foundation Board. Education helps us in our Mission and Vision of keeping the Rubicon Trail preserved, protected and available for future generations.

Our mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Our vision: To be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.

If you have a topic that you would like to see more information on please let us know.