By Brett Joiner

Rubicon Trail Foundation Monthly Meeting- Change for June

This month’s meeting, June 17, 2020 we are only available to meet via Zoom and will not be at its usual location in Placerville.  Please join us at 6:30pm PDT.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 3302 7400
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By Brett Joiner

RTF Swag Sale!

If you’re having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online





20% off all items in our store

Limited to stock on hand.

Sale good through June 10th, 2020 


Mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Vision: To be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.


By Brett Joiner

Be Prepared

This weekend the weather will be cooling off after a HOT week. Make sure that when you pack you bring plenty of clothing layers, tarps, sunscreen, shovels, enough food and then some extra in case of delays, always tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return and be SAFE!

Since the temperatures will change this weekend always be aware of fire restrictions.  Start by getting a campfire permit from any CAL FIRE, U.S. Forest Service, or BLM station or office. Your campfire permit is valid from the date issued until the end of the calendar year. Permits are required to have campfire or portable gas stoves on public lands. Check to ensure there aren’t any local fire restrictions in the area. During periods of high fire danger, campfires may be restricted. Also, keep a shovel and bucket of water nearby at all times.

  • Choose a safe location
  • Clear a minimum 10feet around fire
  • Extinguish your fire with the “drown, stir and feel” method

This was just posted on fire restrictions:


By Brett Joiner

Sanitation on the Rubicon Trail

The Rubicon Trail Foundation, in 2010, built a Unimog as a “proof of concept” to solve the issues of sanitation on the trail. Now that the Rubicon Trail Foundation has proved after many toilets cleaned and pumped by a volunteer on our board taking about 10 hours, split between two days each cleaning, El Dorado County Parks & Recreation has decided to take on this task.

Sanitation is always a concern when on the trail. While there are outhouses on the Rubicon Trail, sometimes there are many individuals visiting the trail and they cannot take that much usage. 

There are always people who leave “white flowers” behind that soil our precious land. What is a “white flower”?  It is toilet paper left behind.  The preferred sanitation system on the Rubicon Trail is wag bags. What is a “wag bag”?  It is a safe, eco-friendly human waste disposal system. Each kit is pre-loaded with a gel/deodorizing powder. All you need is a portable toilet like a PETT Toilet or any other portable toilet. You simply follow the instructions that are printed on the bag and it makes a safe, viable way to dispose of human waste safely in any garbage receptacle. Pack it in Pack it Out is the easiest solution to the sanitation problem on the trail. Always dispose of them in a trash bin, NEVER in toilets.

You must be prepared so you should always carry some. Just with any other garbage, human waste, sometimes must be hauled out. Using a wag bag makes it easy to do so.

We are always happy to provide you with some before your next trip, so contact us at: [email protected] or call us at 888-678-2426.



By Brett Joiner

Press Release: Toilet Pumping on the Rubicon

The Rubicon Trail Foundation (RTF) was asked by Vickie Sanders, Parks Manager for El Dorado County if we would be interested in an as needed contract for pumping the restrooms on the Rubicon.

The RTF Board met to discuss the “as needed” contract and our consensus was, we don’t have the manpower this year to operate the Unimog on the trail. It was our understanding the county poo truck would be ready to go this season, so we focused our energies on other trail activities. 

As a possible solution, RTF has offered to train a county employee on the operation of the RTF Unimog.  We have also offered to lease the Unimog to the County for $1 for the season.

The RTF board understands the necessity of pumping and cleaning the toilets on the trail and we are open to any suggestions to make sure it gets done properly and in a timely manner. 

The Rubicon Trail Foundation is federally recognized, non-profit organization dedicated to the future health of the Rubicon Trail.  The Rubicon Trail Foundation acts as the support for Rubicon work projects, Friends of the Rubicon, and as a liaison with local government organizations. This support can range from getting approval for projects from the appropriate agencies, to feeding the volunteers, to buying the supplies needed to maintain the trail. We also fight the efforts of others to close or restrict use of the Rubicon Trail System.  All funds raised help to enhance the future health of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible motorized year-round access.

Our Officers and Directors represent a wide variety of Rubicon Trail users and supporters.  These include trail users, land owners, county representatives, manufacturers, and Rubicon event organizers.  For more information on getting involved or supporting the Rubicon Trail Foundation please call us at 888-678-2426 or visit our website at

By Brett Joiner

Reminder: This Weekend Rubicon Trail Closure May 15-17, 2020 by El Dorado County Parks Division

County Update from Vickie Sassman Sanders

I hate to do this but, I need to close the trail on May 15th-17th. We need to get the helicopter project done. With the snow and pandemic it has been a challenge. In previous years we have been able to do these project during the week but this has been a strange years as we all know.
Due to schedules we are forced to do this on the weekend.
The main focus is Cadillac Hill building gabions as we all know it is always needing work and is vital to the trail.
We will also be working at hairpin to rebuild the rock wall. There are other locations on both sides where we will be working.
There are so many parts and pieces to a project like this, but in 5 days we can do it all and the trail will be yours for the rest of the season.
Our goal has been to complete it before Memorial Day Weekend.
I have attached the notice to agencies so that you all have the same information.
By Brett Joiner

COVID-19 affecting OHV users

COVID-19 affecting OHV users

Jeff Blewett, Cal4Wheel Natural Resources Consultant


Gov. Gavin Newsom on March 19 ordered California’s nearly 40 million residents to stay home, making it the first state to impose that strict mandate on all residents to counteract a looming surge of new infections.
The order takes effect immediately and remains in place “until further notice.” Californians are not allowed to leave their homes except for essential purposes. The mandatory order allows Californians to continue to visit gas stations, pharmacies, grocery stores, farmers markets, food banks, convenience stores, takeout and delivery restaurants, banks and laundromats.
People can leave their homes to care for a relative, a friend, seek healthcare services or commute to jobs deemed essential.
This hits all of us hard, but for our community it seems worse. We are very independent individuals who enjoy the wide-open spaces that our Jeeps, Toyota’s, dirt bikes and UTV’s get us to. Most of us live to off-road; we are always planning the next trip, and to be stuck indoors for how ever long this “shelter in place” order lasts may just drive us crazy.
If you just can’t take it anymore and have to get out and enjoy the great outdoors please do your part by following the CDC guidelines by maintaining a safe distance between yourself and other groups; washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; and most importantly, staying home if you feel sick.
Here are some COVID-19 (coronavirus) OHV related updates.


State parks announced today the temporary closure of all campgrounds in the state park system (including all SVRA’s) to support state and local efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).
The non-campground outdoor areas of parks, including trails and beaches will remain open. Restrooms also remain open, and visitors are advised to take soap for hand washing and alcohol-based hand sanitizers when water is not available.


The Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt directed the National Park Service to temporarily suspend the collection of all park entrance fees until further notice.
Other states and municipalities have implemented similar policies waiving fees to parks in an effort to support social distancing. At a majority of park locations, outdoor spaces remain open to the public.


Death Valley NP will be implementing new guidelines issued from the White House, CDC, and local and state authorities to promote social distancing.
As of March 18, 2020, all visitor centers are closed, ranger led programs have been cancelled, and the following campgrounds are closed: Emigrant, Mesquite Springs, Texas Springs, Furnace Creek, Sunset and Stovepipe Wells.
They have made the health and safety of the visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners at Death Valley National Park their number one priority. The National Park Service is working with the federal, state, and local authorities to closely monitor the situation and will update us when things change.


Uncle Tom’s cabin is a popular wintertime destination up near Georgetown on the road to the Rubicon Trail. They have decided to temporarily close the bar in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 virus. Please respect the wishes of the property owner and stay off the Uncle Tom’s Cabin property.
Here is the press release that they issued:
“There is nothing we care about more than the safety and well-being of our customers and our community of family and friends. With the effects of the outbreak being felt more each day, our primary concern and area of focus is the health and safety of our communities.
In these uncertain times, we must all do our best to help ease the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Following recommendations from local authorities on limiting public gatherings we will be CLOSED.

We apologize and for the first time in 156 years under these conditions, feel this is the best course of action for the safety and well-being of our caretakers and customers.”


Both Frank Raines and LaGrange OHV areas have been temporarily closed by Stanislaus County to effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19 virus.


The meeting scheduled for April 4 has been temporarily cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.
Cal4 will do its best to keep you updated on all things OHV during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak.
Please remember, if you do decide to go out into the world and enjoy your favorite OHV area or trail , do your part to maintain social distancing, not only does this protect you, but it also protects your family and friends from exposure to the COVID-19 (coronavirus).

The Rubicon Trail Board of Directors hopes you are able to get out and enjoy nature and the things that you love by staying healthy.  Be safe and remember to always “Buckle Up”.

By Brett Joiner

Be Prepared this Saturday

⚠️ A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for elevations above 4500 feet Saturday.

🌨️❄️ Snow returns to the mountains Saturday! Chain controls and travel delays are possible, with 4 to 8 inches of snow above 4000 feet.

🚗 If you have Sierra travel plans, prepare for slick roads, chain controls, and travel delays!

By Brett Joiner

Rubicon Trail Foundation Annual Board Planning

Each year the Rubicon Trail Foundation (RTF) gets together for a 2- day planning session to plan the year ahead and go over things that did and did not work.

First, we dedicated time to talking with Vickie and Justin from the County to hear about their new grants and how we can help fund these.  In January the County made a formal request to the Rubicon Trail Foundation for matching funds for the Operations and Maintenance Grant for the Placer County side of $32,000 and the Planning Grant for the Placer County side of $28,540.  We approved to fund the $32,000 for the O&M Grant.  We are still discussing the Planning Grant and gathering information to make the best use of donor’s money.

RTF Events:

Black Tie & Boots– This year is a SOLD-OUT event, honoring Randy Burleson with the prestigious “Rock Award”.  We are excited to raise funds for the Rubicon Trail and look forward to seeing many of our Sponsors, Donors and Supporters.

Cantina- RTF is moving forward with meeting with the Forest Service to discuss permit issues and requirements.  We hope to be updating you soon with an update for this fun event serving the best tacos on the Rubicon and focusing on education.

Off the Rocks Show & Shine- RTF is already working on a date and fun for the 2nd Annual Off the Rock Show & Shine.  We look forward to sharing that date with you soon.  This is a great event to come see the wheeling community and show off your rig.

Internally we updated the RTF History, had some training on Google Docs, talked about the importance of social media marketing and exposure and how we should move forward sharing information with all users, supporters, donors, sponsors and the next generation.

We updated our Strategic Plan and Goals.

Strategic Plan- How do we improve our educational programs on the the trail and stewardship for current and future stakeholders?

Strategic Plan- How do we improve communication with our present and future stakeholders?

Strategic Plan – How can we increase and diversify our funding streams?

We do have openings on the RTF Board, we are all volunteers and welcome you to come join us at a meeting and/or ask any questions you may have.

Mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Vision: To be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.


By Brett Joiner

12th Annual Black Tie & Boots Update

12th Annual Black Tie & Boots

We are so excited to have the support of the community behind this event and to honor “Randy Burleson” with the Rock Award.  We are also so excited to support our beloved Rubicon Trail and you the Supporters.  We thank each of you and we are all so glad to be part of the Rubicon Tribe.

We have some great auction items and raffle items

Thank You to our Sponsors

Gold Cadillac

Madhatters 4×4 Club

Jeepers Jamboree

Jeepers Jamboree Cook Crew

Auburn Jeep Club

4×4 In Motion


Rubicon Springs Silver

Daryl & Lori Warden

John & Barbara Arenz

Mountain Transit Authority

Jeff Blewett

Mott Roofing/Gordon Mott

Dan & Alison Dreyer

Toys on the Rocks

LineX of Rancho Cordova/Tyrone Miller

Duncan Farms & Holden Sheet Metal

Rubicon Trail Adventures

Brian Petrie

Two Guys Trail Gear/Arabia’s Overkill

Black Tie & Boots Sponsor

Gallery & Barton, APLC – Jesse Barton


Chris Cowan, Rusty & Bev Folena, Arnolds for Awards, Jeepers Jamboree Board of Directors, Power Tank, Rubicon Trail Adventures, Total Metal Innovations, Daryl & Lori Warden, Jonathan & Kelly Carlos, Diana Cobleigh, Carson’s Metal Artwork & Design, Arden Jewelers, Toys on the Rocks, Stymeist Auto Body– Paint of Placerville, Becky Pardi, Line X /Rancho Cordova, John & Kelly Holden, Shannon Chard, Gordon Mott, Infinite Spin Performing Arts/Julie Arenz, Shelby Wells, Matt & Angie Warden, Bubba Rope , Yukon Gear & Axle, A-Fab Creations,Rack-It, Dry Diggings Distillery, TNT Powder Coating, West Coast Customs, C&H Auto Parts, Placerville Pizza Factory /David & Terri Thomas, Mike & Sherri Arnold, UBS, DeLucca Restoration, JR & Amy Wylie, Marlin Crawler, Bookshelf Wines , WARN Industries, John & Barb Arenz, C&H Auto Parts, Jackson Rancheria Casino, Ken Hower, Dan & Kelly DeWolf, Laura Blake, Quick Quack Car Washes, Kenny Prince Jr., Mike Gerondakis. Emile Grabowski, &
Riebes Auto Parts of Placerville

Mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Vision: To be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.