Winning Ticket # Prize Description
2389725 Item # 1 4 Free Raceline Wheels
2389362 Item #2 $1000 of All Star Powder coat
6248473 Item # 4 - Citadel 45 ACP 5" 1911 Handgun
1388640 Item # 5 - Ticket to Cal4wheel's Sierra Trek
6248543 Item # 6 - Warn - Epic Medium duty recovery kit
6248389 Item # 7 - 2 Tickets Auburn Jeep Club Event
6248411 Item # 8 - W.E. Rock pass
2388482 Item # 9 - EDC Specialties Gift Bundle
1389931 Item # 10 - Cal4wheel's East Mojave Trek
2389068 Item # 11 - Redline Balistics Package
6248314 Item # 12 - 24" tool bag with kinetic recovery rope
2388843 Item # 13 - Cal4wheel's Death Valley Experience
2390187 Item # 14 - Ruffstuff $250 Gift Certificate
1389496 Item # 15 - River City Differentials $250 Gift Certificate
1389895 Item # 16 - Jack Wheelen Photograph
2388539 Item # 17 - Auburn Extreme Power Sports $200 Gift Cert.
1388391 Item # 18 - RTF Trasheroo bundle with challenge coin
2389229 Item # 19 - RTF Sign by Hot Metal Fab
2389001 Item # 20 - Cal4wheel's Panamint Valley Days
6248355 Item # 21 - Bun Welders Package
2389257 Item # 22 - $100 4WP gift cert & swag
2388525 Item # 23 - 2 Rugged Radios
6248358 Item # 24 - Kinetic Rope & Recovery Bag
6248391 Item # 25 - Tailgater Tire Table
6248565 Item # 26 - Cal4wheel's High Sierra Poker Run
2388662 Item # 27 - Warn Accessory Kit
2389838 Item # 28 - Cal4wheel's Winter Fun Fest
1388481 Item # 29 - Jeepers Jamboree book
1389239 Item # 30 - RTF Women's swag bundle
1390147 Item # 31 - RTF Men's swag bundle
6248950 Item # 32 - RTF Sak-it bundle
/ Item # 33 - Marlin Crawler 10% off
1389110 Item # 34 - Niemann's Auto Touch $100 gift card
2389775 Item # 35 - West Coast Differential $100 Gift cert.
1389233 Item # 36 - Hippy healing gift basket
1388493 Item # 37 - Mojitos for Camp
2388707 Item # 38 - Cal4wheel's Hi Desert Round Up
6248912 Item # 39 - Cal4wheel's Convention
1388431 Item # 40 - 2 tickets to Hi-Landers Poker Run
1389941 Item # 41 - Cal4wheel's Molina Ghost Run
1389803 Item # 42 - Pizza Factory Gift Basket
2388787 Item # 43 - King-Pro Recovery Ring and Soft Shackle
2389170 Item # 44 - Jeep Wall Art Thermometer
6248556 Item # 45 - Cal4wheel's Operation Desert Fun
1390315 Item # 46 - Smittybuilt Rapid Air Deflator
6248717 Item # 47 - Smittybuilt Rapid Air Deflator
2388585 Item # 48 - Smittybuilt tire repair set
/ Item # 49 - Marlin Crawler $25 off
/ Item # 50 - Marlin Crawler $25 off
1389100 Item #51 Powertank inflator,tire repai, blow gun
6248497 Item #52 Smittybuilt Winch
1390203 Item # 53 Rigid Led's


First name Last Name Item Description Winning $ Amount
Matt Farley Arden Jewelers - Silver Rubicon Rock RTF necklace valued at $1000 450
Kris Olof John Arenz - Full radio kit with intallation and training worth $1000 400
Matthew Slyvyster Ken Hower - 24" wood engraving of RTF Logo 500
Morgan Gerhart Steve Sasaki/ Power Tank - Limited Edition KOH Powertank 420
Aaron Colacchia The Ridge Golf Course - One round of golf with two carts for four players 300
Debbie Zogric Bill Ellis - 6 Josephine Wine Glasses worth $600 and $100 bottle of wine 220
John Chmielewski John Arenz - Homemade quilts with John Arenz crafted quilt stand 200
Kelly Minor John Arenz - Flag made from Wine Barrel by John Arenz 310
Jason Russo Mountain Vibes Music festival - 2 weekend festival passes and swag bag 225
Eddie Watkins Sierra Mountain Firearms - Mac2 Tactical Semi-Automatice Shotgun, 12 guage 450
Phil Salazar Alan Johnson - Wooden Flag donated by Alan Johnson 1250
Eddie Watkins Julie Arenz - Flight Over the Rubicon Trail for Two with Picnic Lunch 250
Jon Larson Todd Sprague - 2 Hour Rubicon Air Tour 300
Matthew Slyvgter Big Rich Klein - Guest on Big Rich Klein's podcast 220
Kim Aver Jon Larson - Custom illuminated RTF sign by Wilde Willow of Oakdale wood and Acrylic 290
Tim Owen 4WP of Sacramento - Morimoto Rock Light Kit: RGB LED / 6 Pack (XRL25)" 135
Dry Diggins - Dry Diggins Coffee gift basket
Eddie Watkins Joanna Gaines - Gift Basket with Joanna Gaines items 110
George Boeger Hot Metal Fab - Stainless Steel Rubicon Map 27"x20" by Hot Metal Fab 400
Rob Huckins R/C Country Hobbies - Axial UTB18 Capra 4WS 1/18 RTR 4WD Unlimited Trail Buggy 450
Jack Tagart Rubicon Trail Foundation - Be featured in a Rubicon Trail Foundation Youtube channel educational video 50
Aaron Bartolazzi Diane Hawks - 16x20 canvas picture of Mud Lake 125
Yolon Bartolazzi Diane Hawks - 16x20 canvas picture of Spider Lake 175
Robert Huckins Diane Hawks - 16x20 canvas picture of Loon Lake 110
Brian Bohannon Diane Hawks - 16x20 canvas picture of Barrett Lake 130
Kris Olof River City Differentials - $250 Gift Certificate 150
Brian Bohannon Randy Burleson - BougeRV 23 quart fridge/freezer with cover 260
Matt Farley Tailgater Tire Table - Tailgater Tire Table and hanging shelf 150
John Artal Bilt Right 4x4 - HMF RTF sign 225
Jason Russo Julie Arenz - Family Friendly Fire Performance and Circus Play Zone 80
Dallas Calmes Bilt Right 4x4 - Kinetic Rope & Recovery Bag 160
Tim Owen Marlin Crawler - 15% off your entire next order 25
Rob Huckins MORRFlate - Airhub and extreme tire repair kit 310
Aaron Colacchia Dan Dreher - Wally's Pizza Bar Basket 150
Darin Madson 4WP of Sacramento - Rigid Industries flash light 60
Tim Owen Marlin Crawler - 10% off your entire next order 25
Marc Dilbeck MORRFlate - $100 off any MORRFlate Brand Products 80
Jack Tagart Arnolds for Awards - Wine gift basket 140
Roger Salazar Trail Hero Event Pass 250


Donor Description
Tyler Laursen & John Arnez Engraved wood map of the Rubicon Trail
Harvey West Family Beachfront Lake Tahoe Cabin Vacation
Metalcloak Full set of RockSport Black Adjustable Reservoir Shocks for JK, JL, JT, Ram or Grenadier with installation at Metalcloak world headquarters
Shannon Chard Rubicon trail entrance sign 42"
Aaron Bortolazzo Stihl chain saw and accessories
Sheriff's helicopter ride need to make into foam core print
Hot Metal Fab Rusty Rubicon Map 32"x22"
Alan Johnson Randy Slawson's roof off his 2023 car that he rolled in the first lap of King of the Hammers and finished 5th
Big Rich Klein Have your vehcile featured in 4Lo Magazine's digital offering. Photo shoot with story included
Arden Jewelers 1 gold Rubicon Rock RTF necklace
WFO Vehicle Video for 12 rigs of christmas - 1 vehicle pass for 2 people
Mike Gerondakis 2 tickets to 2025 Jeepers Jamboree, 1975 Belt Buckle and JJ Swag