Education at Kiosk

Play is the highest form of research.-Albert Einstein

This past weekend a few of our board members went to the Rubicon Trail and provided some education about the trail, gave out WAG Bags & Spill Kits, and had fun meeting and greeting users of the Rubicon Trail.

One of the main goals of the foundation is to provide education and help answer any questions about the trail.  We all met so many new wheelers who had never been before, to also seeing old faces who had to be on the trail even though Cantina for the Con was not happening.

We taught a whole group of brand new trail users all about WAG Bags, locations on the trail and then also some on how to use a Spill Kit.

It was great to see families having family time and unplugging from devices that are all too time consuming-

Hopefully everyone had a safe and fun Labor Day!

If you are interested in volunteering and making a difference on the Rubicon Trail please contact us at 888-678-2426 or email us at [email protected].

All kit contents were bought by the Rubicon Trail Foundation and our generous donors.

Mission: To enhance the future health and use of the Rubicon trail, while ensuring responsible, motorized, year-round trail access.

Vision:  To be the trusted stewards of the Rubicon Trail, ensuring sustainability for the experience of the users.

By Brett Joiner Education Trail News 0 Comments